Creating the country's first native OCS for mobile networks


Creating the country's first native OCS for mobile networks

Pars Pooyesh Fanavar Company, using the latest technology in the world, decided to provide local solutions for fixed and mobile networks, which can integrate fixed and mobile network (FMC), provide VAS service and use IMS architecture for telecom companies. This led to the production of the country's first native OCS for mobile networks by Danesh Bonyan Pars Pooyesh Company.

IBSng Online Charging (OCS) is one of the components of the new generation of IBSng software, developed according to modern 3GPP standards.

Creating the country's first native OCS

IBSng Offline Charging System (OFCS) is used to connect to 2G / 3G / 4G network components that cannot be charged online. Also, using the Mediation module, various input formats can be converted and processed as standard in the system.

IBSng Charging Engine is a backend charging and rating system that both OCS and OFCS systems use to perform processing and calculations. The AAA system of IBSng software communicates with BNG, Bras or gateways utilizing the RADIUS protocol. AAA reopens the RADIUS packets and processes the request using its modular structure.



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