Rayan product | Parspooyesh company


Rayan product of ParsPooyesh

Rayan is one of products of Parspooyesh comany, The access of telecom companies to the large volume of subscriber information has provided an unparalleled opportunity for these organizations to adopt market-driven strategies (Market-Driven) to increase effectiveness by identifying prospects and eliminating threats and optimizing processes.

Rayan (Persian name meaning thinker) is a product from ParsPooyesh Company that will help you to get the highest efficiency from the data and, at any time, be aware of the critical indicators of your business and work. The smart business analysis leads to increased service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty, subsequent revenue growth, ultimately allows you to make decisions based on intuition and, rather than focusing on probability.

Rayan product ParsPooyesh

Rayan Solution ParsPooyesh product

By extracting, aggregating, and practically combining all business data, Rayan creates a comprehensive view of the vast amount of information. In this way, the organization's senior executives will be able to view and analyze the data in beautiful and conceptual graphics and graphical displays in an integrated context so that they achieve a single and only one vision of the truth and can be understood at a glance.

Various and varied charts, along with statistical analyzes in an attractive and straightforward environment with the ability to automate day-to-day, will also allow you to view records and the trend of changes in indicators in the demographic and geographic sections.
In fact, without changing the basic approach to data and its management, it is not possible to move towards a data-driven organization and practice using data as a vital asset to produce value in today's competitive environment.



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